Immanuel United Methodist Church
Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Mid & Senior High Grades 6 - 12

The Deep Thinker:  What does any of it have to do with me or my life?  This is when we begin to apply every experience to ourselves and our future - here they may find some safe answers to that question.
The Independent:  I don't need to go to Sunday School anymore, I'm almost grown and I have a lot to do.  But, if I don't go, I won't find out how my friend did on her finals, and I might miss a chance to sign up for one of our trips, and we were supposed to be talking about our next community project - I guess I'll go!  Great friendships are established here and a great foundation of peer support, fellow believers who truly care for each other.
Mid-High & Senior High Class grades 6 - 12 is held during the second service (Contemporary) on Sundays and goes deeper into applying the Bible to our individual life experiences through lessons, discussion, music, and more. An obvious goal, while building relationships with each other is to share the love of Jesus. Here, we begin looking out into the world thru current events and applying Bible based discussion. This class allows the kids a little more freedom in choosing where each Sunday's lesson will lead them.  Structured, but flexible as is needed at this age.  We engage in various projects that will serve the community and the church with the goal of students modeling Christ to the best of their ability.  Along with Old & New Testament lessons, we focus on the importance of a healthy prayer life.  Each week, we discuss the same theme as the parents are hearing about in worship from the Pastor, this way, when everyone gets home together, there is a common place to start and engage in conversation. 
On the first Sunday of every month, youth are encouraged to sit with their families or  as a group thru the worship service.  There are no classes held for this age group on the first Sunday each month.
*We also have a separate Youth Group on Sunday Evenings!  Click Here!*